
Our Applications

Products are widely used in: medical equipment, automobile manufacturing, aerospace, shipbuilding, machining, mold processing, precision electronics and other fields.

Turning Tool

Turning tool is one of the most widely used tools in metal cutting. It can be used on the lathe to process the outer circle, end plane, thread, inner hole, and can also be used for grooving and cutting. The turning tool can be divided into integral turning tool, welding assembly turning tool and mechanically clamped blade turning tool in structure. Turning tools with mechanically clamped blades can be divided into machine tool turning tools and indexable turning tools...

Hole Machining Tool

Hole machining tools can generally be divided into two categories:
One is a tool that is processed out of the solid material, commonly used are twist drill...

Main Products

According to customer needs to provide customized production of non-standard cutting tools, we can also provide customers with a complete set of CNC tool solutions to meet your one-stop procurement needs.

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